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Gezol is back and this time joined by Abigail's Jero to discuss the Japanese Metal scene and answer your questions. Get in early; the last one was packed!

30th January 2021

Japanese Metal master Gezol looks back at his history and fields questions from his fans from around the world. 

16th January 2021

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This man really is a glutton for punishment and it is with open arms we welcome him back to hear more madness and mayhem from his life on the road. 

9th January 2021

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Swedish madmen Bullet have their own tour bus, bar, mustard, beer and restaurant! Have a beer with Hampus at his fan chat and ask him what their next project is!

3rd January 2021


Jeff returns to shed more incite and anecdotes on his life with Venom and  up to the current Venom Inc. 

5th December 2020

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Dennis is joined by his fellow musicians from Lionheart, Rocky Newton and Steve Mann as they discuss their 2020 album The Reality of Miracles and also field questions about their collective pedigree.

14th November 2020

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The man who can rightfully claim to have invented a music genre leads us through an array of questions and hilarious anecdotes about Venom.

31st October 2020

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Saxon had a very distinctive guitar sound and here is the man responsible for it talking about his rig and the UK's first Heavy Metal festival - Donington 1980

22nd August 2020

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Having been up at the top, down at the bottom and everywhere in between, these days Lips has a seemingly endless smile on his face and a few things to chat about at the same time.

25th July 2020

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